Contemporary • Vintage • Costume
Clothing & Accessories for Men and Women
Come One, Come All
Get in the Booth!

How to Consign
We are pleased to offer the opportunity to consign your merchandise with Serendipity Boutique.
We strive to present and market your high quality items to achieve the maximum return possible for you.
Consignment is accepted 11:30am - 6:30pm Wednesday through Saturday.
We are unable to accept any consignments on Tuesdays.
Your Items
Each consignment must be limited to: 2 small bags OR 1 medium bag OR 1 box OR approximately 20 hanging items at a time. Once we notify you that your items have been processed, you can bring in another set of items.
Items must be in season, and in clean, sellable condition: laundered and free of damage, stains, and holes. Items must also be free of: pet hair, pet odors, smoke odor, and mothball odors.
If items are dropped off to be gone through, Serendipity Boutique reserves the right to donate no's (items not accepted for consignment) if not picked up after 1 week of notifying the consignor.
Your Timeline
The period of consignment is 60 days, starting the day your items are processed into our inventory. Jewelry and some other specialty items may be consigned for 6 months (at our discretion).
It is the consignor’s responsibility to keep track of their consignment dates, but we can always look up your account details if you call us at the store during business hours.
You will receive 40% of the final sale price when the items sell within the consignment period.
At the end of the consignment period, unsold items will become property of the store unless picked up by the consignor. 100% of the proceeds from remaining items that have not been picked up go to Serendipity Boutique.
If you choose to pick up your expired items, Serendipity Boutique will print a report of the unsold items with item numbers as well as descriptions. You will be responsible for finding your unsold items and bringing them to an employee for removal from the system.
Your Profit
Payouts may be collected anytime during store hours either in cash or by applying your consignor credit to a purchase. You will receive a 10% discount for applying the credit to a purchase. Accounts with a full year of inactivity will be zeroed out at the end of each calendar year.
Items may be reduced to 50% of the original consigned price after 30 days. We may reduce prices due to special promotions, coupons, or end of season clearance sales.
Pricing and markdowns are at the discretion of Serendipity Boutique.
Serendipity Boutique is not responsible for items left over 60 days, or for losses due to handling, fire, flood, theft or accidental damage.
We reserve the right to donate or discard any garment that is torn, stained or damaged without notifying the consignor.